Search U.S. Import Records by Company

Trade Mining provides valuable import / export records from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Accurate import records help you identify opportunities, study global market trends, and find ways to expand your business into international waters with confidence. At Trade Mining, we make this possible by providing reliable US import-export data.

Make Informed Decisions with Comprehensive Customs Data

Our extensive database provides a wealth of information crucial for making informed business decisions, covering everything from shipment details to trade patterns. Whether you're interested in import records from the Middle East to Europe or from Australia to Africa, we've got you covered.

Trade Mining users can search import records and view shipment information, including importer details, overseas factory, product specifications, date of arrival, port of entry, and various other vital details. Our import/export records are searchable, refined, and validated, for fast and easy use.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Trade Mining, we offer access to all import-export Maritime trade data by providing authentic information directly from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Trade Mining users can examine shipment details, including importer information, overseas factory particulars, product specifications, arrival dates, port of arrival, country of origin, shipment address, NVOCC, VOCC, HS code, Weight, Volume, Foreign port, and other essential details.

All the information we provide is up-to-date and typically available every business day. This allows you to promptly act on all U.S. import leads. Time is always of the essence, and quick access provides you with a significant advantage

Trade Mining data can be viewed online on our website and is also available for download as an Excel, PDF or HTML file allowing you to customize it according to your preferences.

Within the BOL search section, you can look for specific data such as Bill Type, Vessel name, Shipper name, Master Consignee Name, Consignee Name, Country of Origin, and more, including even keyword searches. This feature enables you to customize and conduct a preliminary search for more detailed information.

Founded in 2006, Trade Mining is the leading Software as a Service (SaaS) provider in the U.S. market for international trade data. Our primary source for U.S. Ocean Data is the Automated Manifest System(AMS), where we directly retrieve information from bills of lading filed by ocean carriers with U.S.Customs & Border Protection (CBP). This ensures that Trade Mining receives the latest data within a swift 24-hour timeframe after it is filed with CBP.

  • Up-to-date Data: Our information is current and usually accessible every business day, empowering you to promptly act on U.S. import leads.
  • Unlimited Data Access: There are no limitations on data usage, providing you with comprehensive insights. The freedom to download thousands of records in 7 aggregated cargo metrics in one search
  • The freedom to design an unlimited number of search and result page templates
  • Experience: With a group established in 2006, we bring years of experience and expertise to the table.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Our platform boasts a user-friendly, simple and stress-free interface for seamless navigation and efficient use.
  • Guidelines and Training: We provide guidelines and training before use, ensuring users can maximize the benefits of our service.
  • Customer Support Team: A dedicated customer support team is at your disposal for any assistance you may require.
  • Confidentiality: We prioritize confidentiality, ensuring the security of your data.
  • Full Access: Upon subscribing, you gain full access to import/export data to the U.S. as part of your plan.
  • Professional Support: We offer professional support to address any queries or concerns.
  • Reasonable Pricing: Our service is competitively priced, offering value for your investment.
  • Free Demo: To showcase our capabilities, we provide a free demo, allowing you to experience our service firsthand before making a commitment.

We obtain U.S. Ocean Data from the Automated Manifest System (AMS), directly sourced from the bills of lading filed by ocean carriers with U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP). Trade Mining receives this data within a mere 24 hours after it is filed with CBP.

This eliminates concerns about inaccurate records, data corruption, or untimely information. Utilizing unreliable data can have disastrous consequences, particularly in marketing and product development. We ensure that our information originates from a reputable and industry-leading source.

No, there are no limitations on data access or downloads. Our platform is designed to provide unrestricted access to the data you need.

Many companies charge exorbitant fees and offer limited access to crucial data. Our objective is to make this information as accessible as possible, particularly for small businesses aiming to introduce new products or explore new markets.

Yes, absolutely. Upon receiving your subscription plan, we offer the flexibility for you to share both the account and data reports with your team. This means multiple users can access and collaborate within the same account, facilitating seamless teamwork and efficient information sharing.

Trade Mining prioritizes your data security. We use encryption, access controls, and regular updates to protect your information. Complying with data protection regulations, we invest in advanced technologies and staff training for the highest privacy standards. Your trust is crucial to us, and we're dedicated to maintaining the utmost data security and privacy in all our operations.

We value your investment in this data and offer comprehensive guidelines and training before use, ensuring users can maximize the benefits of our service.